Friday, 29 May 2020

News Flash

News Flash!

We are half-way through Term 2 and Monday the 1st June is a Public holiday! Enjoy the long weekend together and maybe explore something special about WA, which the children can incorporate into their news telling.

Kindy Update

Week 5/6

Kindy's had such a great week exploring the initial phonic sound ‘kicking’ Kk. It was a week of kites, kicking kangaroos, Kids in the kitchen and more. Kk is a ‘tricky’ sound as it can be confused with Cc which has the same initial phonic sound. In Kindy, we use the words ‘curly’ and ‘kicking’ to help the children to distinguish between Cc and Kk.

Rhyme - Over the past few weeks the students have been exposed to rhyming. When two words sound the same at the end and hat end with at, they rhyme. Children may find rhyming difficult to grasp, so please explain it to them in their home language, if necessary. When students can hear the rhyming sounds in words, they demonstrate phonemic awareness, which is essential for early reading. To teach this skill, books, pictures and games can be used to demonstrate and reinforce rhyming techniques. Children also learn rhyming by listening to stories, poems and songs that are easy and fun to remember. Nonsense rhyming words are acceptable too!

Alphabet and number cards sent home in the children’s folders are for students to use at home to reinforce their learning. It is important to remember that initial letter sounds are the focus and NOT letter names. Phonemic awareness is the foundation for early reading and in developing the skills for spelling and writing. If in doubt of the phonic sound, google 

Next week we will be revising concepts covered over this semester. This will assist students to transfer and reinforce knowledge to their long-term memory.

The following are some skills you could revise at home:
Literacy: Initial phonic sounds Ss-Aa-Tt-Pp-Ii-Nn-Mm-Rr-Cc-Kk. Syllables i.e. counting parts in a word. Sight words I, am, a, look, Mum, can, at. Sequencing and retelling stories using a beginning, middle and end.

Mathematics: Numbers 1 to 10. Say a number between 1-10, then ask your child to count on from this number. Order numbers, count objects to match a numeral and identify dots on a dice.

Find the time to relax and have fun over the short mid-term break!

Thursday, 28 May 2020

Merit Certificate 29.5.2020

This week the Merit Certificate was presented by Mrs Peake in our classroom. 
Well Done to Aaria!

Kites start with k, k, k!


Kindy Blue made K kites today and this afternoon we got lucky with the weather and were able to test them out!

Tuesday, 26 May 2020

Week 5 Updates

Welcome Back!

It is so lovely to see everyone back in the classroom. Thank you very much to all the parents for your continued support over the past few weeks. We understand that it has been a challenging time and could not have made it through without you all doing your part.

Thank you to the parents and students who completed the online work packages. I can see that for the majority of the students, they have been working hard whilst not at school.

I want to congratulate all the Room 2 students. They have demonstrated amazing independence with the new arrangements in place for school drop off and pick up. In the classroom it is like they never left, getting straight back into the routine of school. Thanks to all the parents for their patience at drop off and pick up we appreciate it.

As we are still not able to have face to face parent meetings at this time, feel free to email me or call the school and leave a message for me to give you a call. School reports will come out at the end of term so you will receive updates through this too.

No trash Tuesday

Just a reminder that on Tuesdays, we are encouraging students to come to school with waste free lunch boxes. This means no rubbish that will end up in landfill (Fruit scraps are fine, as we need them to feed the worms). No trash Tuesday is a whole school approach as part of our Sustainability program.

School Uniform

With colder mornings now in place, we understand that the students have been wearing warmer clothes. Just a reminder if your child wishes to wear items like coats, jumpers, tights, beanies, scarves or gloves, these need to be green in line with the school uniform. Shoes still need to be black or white. The school uniform shop remains open via the School App. If you go online you can order items, which will be delivered to your child's classroom and sent home with them. Thank you for your support in ensuring your child wears the correct school uniform.


Week 4 was been a fun-filled week full of crafts and activities that celebrate the Cc phonic sound. We have also been learning the following sight words- mum, a, I, can, am. It has been great to see students settling back into our classroom routines, and we have enjoyed having all of our friends back at school!

In Literacy this week, students have been learning the initial letter sound Kk, for example kite starts with k, k, k.  Students have also been practising how to use their bodies to count the syllables in words and have loved singing along to The Syllable Song. 

In Numeracy, our number of this week was the number 10. To reinforce the sound of the week and the number of the week, students will be making kites and will be counting 10 colourful tails to attach to their kites.

We encourage you to use these flashcards in their folders to revise letter sounds with your child at home whenever possible, they are updated Monday and Tuesday with new letters.


Week 4 was been a busy week full of activities that celebrate the Ck sound. It has been great to see students settling back into our classroom routines, and we have enjoyed having all of our friends back at school!

In Literacy this week, students have been learning 'l' blends, such as bl for black, cl for clown, pl for plane, sl for slug, fl for flag and gl for glue.  Students have also been learning the blue list of sight words. 

In Numeracy, our number of this week was the number 17. We have also been learning about breaking apart numbers and number bonds. This helps us in completing addition stories, which are also a focus this week. 

We encourage you to continue to read the children's home readers every night with them and to revise their sight word lists, they will be they are updated on Wednesday and Thursday.


Thursday, 21 May 2020

Merit Certificates 18.5.2020

This week Merit Certificates got presented by Mrs Peake in our classroom. 
Well Done to Metin and Jake!

Thursday, 14 May 2020

R Robots

On Wednesday for a T&E project we made Robots. On Thursday we told our friends all about our robots during news and gave them a name.

Kindy Blue


Rr Dress Up Day

Rr Dress Up Day

Kindy Blue 14/5/20

Kindy Red 15/5/20

Thursday, 7 May 2020

Mothers Day Songs

I said "Hey Mum" chicka boom!
It's Mother's Day chicka boom!
Its Mother's Day chicka rocka, chicka rocka, chicka boom!
Oh yea
One more time.
I love you style!
I love you mum chicka boom!
I love you mum chicka boom!
I love you mum chicka rocka, chicka rocka, chicka boom!
Oh yea
One more time.
Hug a mum style!
Hug a mum chicka boom!
Hug a mum chicka boom!
Hug a mum chicka rocka, chicka rocka, chicka boom!
Oh yea
One more time.
Pick a flower style!
Pick a flower chicka boom!
Pick a flower chicka boom!
Pick a flower chicka rocka, chicka rocka, chicka boom!
Oh yea
One more time.
Kiss a mum style!
Kiss a mum chicka boom!
Kiss a mum chicka boom!
Kiss a mum chicka rocka, chicka rocka, chicka boom!
Oh yea
One more time.

Happy Mothers Day!

Wednesday, 6 May 2020


Hi Parents,

Just a reminder

Library books-
Blue Kindy and Pre-primary need to be returned every Monday
Red Kindy is every Friday

Homework folders need returning-
Blue Kindy Monday
Red Kindy Tuesday
Pre-primary Girls Wednesday
Pre-primary Boys Thursday

Thank You 

Tuesday, 5 May 2020

Kindy Parents

Dear Kindy Parents,

Next week on Thursday 14th May and Friday 15th May, we invite Blue Group and Red Group students to come to school dressed in rainbow colours. This will link to the letter ‘Rr’ for rainbow. 

On the day we will be enjoying a number of rainbow activities to reinforce the letter of the week, science and colour recognition. 

Children must wear their regular school shoes.
We look forward to this fun learning experience.

Thank you
Kindergarten Teachers