Wednesday, 25 November 2020

Week 7

A reminder there is No School for students tomorrow, Friday 27th November.

Swimming - PP - 6

A huge thanks to the parents and families who have helped to make the first week of swimming a successful one. This has run very smoothly. The children have been fantastic at looking after their belongings, dressing themselves and learning the new daily routine. Please remember swimming will continue Mon-Fri in Week 8.  

It is hard to believe on Monday we start Week 8! Over the coming weeks, there are some important school events. Due to COVID restrictions, there have also been some changes from previous years.

Dance Parties - K - 5
These will be held in week 10. Students only, no parents. Kindy Blue will be Monday 14th Dec, Kindy Red and PP Tuesday 15th Dec.

Class Picnics - K - 6
These will also be held in week 10 and replace the "class party". Due to the rules there will be no sharing of food. Students will be able to order a Subway lunch through the canteen. Kindy Blue will be Monday 14th Dec, Kindy Red and PP Tuesday 15th Dec. 

I want to thank all the families for your understanding and cooperation, with the ongoing changes that are being presented to us. 

Please continue to check the blog for updates. 

Thursday, 19 November 2020

Pre-primary Swimming Lesson Notes

 Pre-primary Swimming Lesson Notes       

Below are some points to help you prepare for swimming lessons.

  • Swimming lessons start Monday, 23rd of November.
  • Students attend lessons every day, for 2 weeks (excluding Friday 27th November due to student free day) 
  • Students must come to school wearing their bathers, underneath their school uniform.
  • It is preferable that children wear a two-piece swimsuit for ease of toileting (i.e. rash top and bottoms)
  • After the lesson students will return to school and change into their school uniform and enclosed school shoes (please pack underwear and socks)
  • ALL items need to be labelled with your child’s name. 

What students need each day: 

please name/label all items

  • A towel
  • Swimsuit (under school uniform) 
  • Goggles
  • Underwear to change into. 
  • Flip flops/sandals can be worn to school.

  • School shoes and socks for after swimming.